Overall Objectives
Generally the "Natural Resources and Land Use Database and Map for Darfur" project aims to increase the Government's long-term institutional and technical capacity to manage Darfur's natural resources, including agricultural land, natural areas, forests, minerals, water, cities, towns and villages in a sustainable way, for the purpose of establishing a basis for poverty reduction and rural economic renewal in selected areas of the country via the development of non-farm and farm income and promoting the social and economic welfare of the community and a better environment.
Specific Objectives
The overall objective of the project with respect to the ToR is the establishment of a multi-layered dynamic state-of-the-art natural resources and land use database and maps for Darfur in order to provide basic land resources data for the sustainable development of Darfur's natural resources. This database shall help decision makers and planners in setting up plans for agricultural development and other land livelihood initiatives and to select potentially the most productive areas for investment and development projects and shall provide the basis for the sustainable development of Darfur's natural resources.
Scope of Services
The project consists of a number of building blocks which are key to its performance. They can be summarized as follows:
- Analysis and evaluation of existing reports, data, maps, staff and technical capabilities
- Remote sensing data acquisition
- Data/Map compilation of existing data
- Development, implementation and establishment of a dynamic natural resources and land use database using GIS technology and spatial data infrastructure management
- Field data collection
- Data analytics and interpretation
- Generation of the core basic layers to be produced over a topographic base at variable scales, include:
- Geology and Minerals
- Geomorphology, Soils and Land Suitability
- Water Resources (maybe obtained from secondary sources)
- Ecological and biological information
- Land Use and Land Cover
- Socio-economic Conditions
- Capacity building of the key rural and urban development institutions in Darfur
- HW and SW specification and procurement
- Training and know-how transfer